From Cute to Clever: Event Place Card Ideas You’ll Love

event place card

You definitely don’t have to choose traditional escort or place cards when deciding how you want guests to find their seats. Place card holders come in all shapes and sizes to match every theme. And if you play your cards right (see what I did there?), your place card can even double as your favor! We want your event to be perfect, so this week we’re sharing a few awesome ideas for unique event place cards.

But first, let’s eat!

After a long day of preparation, followed by a ceremony, guests will be hungry! Passed hors d’oeuvres are great, but why not make your place cards edible? Add little name flags to a delicious treat, spell out the guests’ names in chocolate or dressing on plates or even provide monogrammed cookies. If you can cook it and put a name on it, you can use it as a place card!

event place cardGet creative

Origami is complex, beautiful, and everyone loves it! Get your arts and crafts on, and fold an origami display for each guest. With thousands of options for folding paper, choosing an origami place card that fits your theme or your guest’s personality will be no problem.

Love game night?

Of course you do! Honor your hobby by buying Scrabble tiles in bulk, and spell out guests’ names to identify their seat. Playing cards are fun, but dominoes, Monopoly and chess all translate easily into place cards as well. Extend the theme a little further by giving guests the chance to play Wedding Bingo throughout the reception!

Travelers unite!

If you’re heading off to the honeymoon of a lifetime (or even if you’re still just dreaming about it!), a custom luggage tag is your chance to take care of the place setting and favor in one.

More Cowbell?

There’s nothing a little cowbell can’t fix, so if you’re planning a rustic-themed event, they’ll fit right in! Sweet and sentimental, an engraved cowbell is a unique memento your guests will want to keep.

event place card

Celebrate the season

Combine red or orange fall leaves with white marker for the names for a beautiful celebration of the season. Or print place cards and tuck them into a pine cone! Paint the pine cone to match your event theme, and add a touch of nature to your event.


Why would you ever use ordinary place cards when you have so many options to choose from?