Whether you’re in the wedding party or just a great friend, when you’re throwing a bachelorette party, you want everything to be perfect. A bachelorette party doesn’t have to be what we always see on tv. You can go big, small, loud, quiet… or somewhere in between. Hopefully, you’re familiar with your friend’s style and the style of the wedding. This week, we’ve got a few ideas to inspire you!
The Pub Crawl
Stick to tradition with this classic—a fun, tried-and-true outing. Start the evening out with a good dinner at a restaurant that sets the mood for fun. Wear matching “bachelorette party” shirts–the bride-to-be wears a veil–and have fun celebrating in a variety of locations. Odds are, the bride will be offered her fair share of free drinks. And don’t forget to rent a limo to ensure everyone gets home safe. This can also be a great setting for the bride to hand out fun gifts for the bridal party.
Let’s Go Classy!
If the bride’s tastes don’t really run to loud clubs or bars, there’s plenty to choose from that will suit her style. A play, a concert or even an art show—followed by a nice dinner—are fun outings for your group to bond over.
Light Up The Night
A party idea that might best be described as a “pub crawl with a motif,” you’ll deck the bachelorette party out in anything that glows. This can be fun jewelry, light-up clothing, glasses or barrettes—whatever you can find! You can even get glow-in-the-dark markers that are skin safe. Then hand out glow sticks, and head out for your evening out. You’ll light up the night and have loads of cool pictures as memories!
Time To Relax
Another traditional idea, but oh-so-tempting when you need a weekend away to relax from the pressure of putting together a wedding. Many resort spas offer packages specifically for bridal parties that include coordinated services and meals. Or you can go low-key and set something up with your favorite local spa that can handle a crowd.
Whether you choose one of the themes above or elect to do your own thing, remember that the most important thing is to have fun and celebrate your friendships. The best times are still to come!