Looking for some fun decorating ideas that haven’t been done and redone? Don’t get your feathers ruffled – we have some ideas for you whether you are looking for a rustic touch to accent your home’s or cabin’s outdoor motif or an event setting that your guests will always remember. Whether you prefer bold and sassy or natural and understated, feathers can fluff your nest year-round or seasonally. Consider all the potentially be-deckable accent areas

in your home: lamp shades (if all-over is too much think a border attached with clear craft glue finished with decorative cording), mirrors and photo frames (accent one corner with a tuft of pheasant feathers anchored with a cluster of small beads or berries). Touches of feathers here and there also work well: for instance, a few pheasant feathers in a pottery jar on the mantel appear cheerfully rustic, while tall peacock plumes reaching out of an antique urn bespeak the height of Victorian elegance. Feathers can help you create the look of a winter wonderland. Picture your mantel cushioned with a snow-like layer of a white boa, sprinkled with glittered snowflakes and white and cream candles – or a wreath in the same theme using small white feathers. For a more vivid punch of color, what about a green foam wreath base twined with peacock feathers and hung with a vibrant satin bow? Continue reading “Home or Event: Decorating with Feathers”